Greetings from Megh’s family from Nepal.

Thank you very much for your prayers and support for ministry in Nepal. I am grateful to LWML. I appreciate all of you. I have been getting prayer support, financial support and encouragement. So I have been running two training centers in Nepal. Kathmandu has 53 students and in Ramechhap 20 students. In total we have 73 students in two training centers. This training center’s goal is to equip the local leaders from the local churches. After they graduate they can take leaders and expand the kingdom of God. They will be able to preach and evangelism among the non christians, planting the churches in Nepal.

Megh Gurung


Dear Connie and prayer partners.
Jaimashi!!! Greetings to you in the name of the our lord and savior Jesu Christ.
Thank you very much for your prayers and support and time contributions for my ministry. I am sending email all of you. I am so blessed through your prayers and support and generosity. I am well and doing good ministry in Nepal. Now i have been converting people, equipping saints and baptizing them. What is going on here all are through faith Lutheran church.
I sent some pictures of Baptism on 23 August, 2022.There were 8 of the baptized. Most of them were new believers. i mean converted few months ago only. And I was teaching them before baptism and i taught for the church leaders too.
Next week I am going to mid west Nepal for the graduating students those who were learning at rolpa Bible training center from the last year. pray for safe travel us and be wonderful graduation. After graduation they might be more powerful than the before.
Megh Gurung.


Faith Lutheran Church members are providing financial support for Ukraine Lutherans. 100% of this support goes directly to Lutheran pastors serving people in Ukraine. The following message was received from Pastor Oleksiy on May 15, 2022:

Hi Dawn,
the Lord be with you…
Here is a short update from me…
I keep living between Odesa and Mykolaiv. For most of the week, I stay at Odesa Theological Seminary, purchasing food, and medicine, packing help bags, and assisting my fellow brothers in different projects. Some days are very busy.. some days are quiet and slow… In addition to all the war stress issues, we have a fuel deficit in Ukraine. Russians have destroyed fuel factories and storage… prices for fuel have jumped up. Diesel and gasoline disappeared…Now, it takes us a couple of hours to find the fuel in Odessa, to spend time in lines, and to purchase 10 or 15 or 20 liters of fuel… this morning I woke up and went to hunt for fuel.. it was successful hunting. I drove about 30 km but have bought 30 liters of diesel…Praise be to God…
Last week we have packed 100 food bags for Nikolaev.. but more than 150 people came to Nikolaev Lutheran church for food.. people fought for bags.. so, we made a list of those who didn’t get the good bag last Saturday and promised to satisfy them next Saturday…(pictures are attached)… We put Christian literature and calendars in each bag. Many of those people have lost jobs and depend on food provided by municipalities, charity organizations, and churches…Also, my church elders Gennady and Vladimir deliver and distribute drinking water to people who live near our church… every second day a long line of people with bottles and buckets waits for water near church gates.
Such humanitarian work of the church brings a great benefit to the Gospel… Last Sunday I had only 8 church members at church(many of our church members were evacuated to Poland and Germany)… But, I had 21 new visitors at church! These people live near our church! but never been to the building…! They have found time and courage to come to church now… at wartime… They listen to the sermon very carefully and learn how to sing our hymns… they are funny and clumsy like newborn children… remember them in your prayers…

I think this is all news for the moment, sister and friend…
May God bless you where ever you are at the moment,
with prayer and respect,


LWML packs troop boxes and sends them to Chaplains every other month.


Little Free Libraries for Adults and Children is located on Faith Lutheran Church property at 154400 County Road 306. Take one book and or leave one book.

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